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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Talk Show Podcast Episode Nine

This special edition of Talk Show podcast features an excerpt from the book "the greatest secret" ,the self-help book concerning the meaning of life and the single most efficient way to tackle all challenges and come out a winner despite all the hardships.

      Most often humans forget the extreme power of their mind,and chose to play the role of a prisoner of fate in the movie that we call life. Alas, many of us put aside our dreams and desires just to be more realistic not knowing that humans are creatures as well as creators.

      However, I personally beg to differ; for if we discover our true potential and use a combination of faith,fact, and logic then we shall make our lives the way we so wish .If we realize the life changing truth of the fact that we are living in a world of opportunities and possibilities rather than a predetermined one, we could make a difference in not only our own life but also others'.
  • What is reality?
  • Does everybody share the same reality?
  • Who does determine your destiny ?
  • What is your strongest weapon against all of your problems?
  • What should you do in the hardest situations, and against the toughest odds ?
  • What is the true meaning of spirituality, and whether or not the modern science contradict with it ?
  • What does Quantum physics mean by living in the world of possibilities? 

All of those questions and more are answered in this program.

Alternatively you can download the podcast here.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Talk Show Podcast Episode Eight

Humanities; about the only field of knowledge that computers cannot handle as skillfully and profoundly as humans themselves.  

     Throughout the years the significance of this area of cognition has helped the manhood to not only facilitate their developing process, but also preserve and maintain it.Due to the rapid growth of sciences over the past decades, humanities have been taking a huge toll, especially when it comes to marketing and job hunting.

     However, we as humans ought to recognize the importance of humanities and liberal arts in almost every aspect of our lives. From writing a formal letter to the CEO of a company to critical thinking and decision making, we are griping upon the rope of humanities. 

     What is the place of humanities in the modern world? What is the reason behind such status? What is the usage of humanities in the contemporary job market? Is this utilization limited to mere employment opportunity or life as a whole? And finally what is the most appropriate attitude towards this subject?   

     All these questions and more will be answered in this episode of Talk Show Podcast.


Alternatively you can download the podcast here.

You can also download the Transcript for Talk Show Podcast Episode Eight.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Talk Show Podcast Episode Seven

Physical gestures can express
confidence or lack thereof

Confidence is the prerequisite for successes. Unfortunately, the majority of the individuals have some sort of trouble when it comes to believing in one’s abilities.

      The element that makes this even more complicated is the fact that those aforementioned individuals do realize the essence and grandness of self-confidence, but cannot do anything about it nevertheless.

     In the current edition of Talk Show Podcast, you can listen to the approved and widely used methods for building your self-confidence.  

Alternatively you can download it here.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Talk Show Podcast Episode six

The listeners of Talk Show podcast can pay heed to a brief interview with Ali Bajelan in this episode. You can also read the journalistic, written version at Interview with Ali Bajelan

Alternatively you can download the podcast here 

Friday, May 7, 2010

Talk Show Podcast Episode Five

Knowing different ways of learning a language has always been considered an important step in familiarizing yourself with the best and most convenient method of learning. 


In the fifth episode of Talk Show podcast various manners of teaching methods are introduced, and the listeners can subsequently choose one or a combination of them throughout their own routines for studying English.

Alternatively you can download the podcast here

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Talk Show Podcast Episode Four

This Episode of Talk Show Podcast Features a brief interview with Mr.Farhood Taghipour. You can read the journalistic version of the interview at Interview with Farhood Taghipour, Instructor and Coordinator.

Alternatively you can download the podcast here

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Talk Show Podcast Episode Three

Let me present you with yet another episode of Talk Show Podcast. In this program literature and its categories are introduced through the widely-accepted definitions.
The categories discussed are comprised of:
·    Fictional Literature
·    Drama
·     Tragedy
·     Melodrama
·     Comedy
·    Tragicomedy
·    Prose Literature
·    Myth
·    Novel 
·    Allegory 
·    Comedy 
·    Epistolary 
·    Feminist 
·    Gothic 
·    Ironic 
·    Realism 
·    Romance 
·    Narration 
·    Naturalism 
·    Picaresque 
·    Satire 
·    Short story
·    Folk Tale
·    Poetry
·     Sonnet 
·    Ballad 
·    Elegy 
·    Ode
·     Lyric 
·    Epic and Mock epic
·    Nonfiction Literature
·    Autobiography and Biography
·    Diary and Journal
·    Outdoor literature
Alternatively you can download it here

Monday, April 5, 2010

Talk Show Podcast Episode Two

The second episode of Talk Show Podcast features an interview with Ahmad Kashani.You can read the journalistic written version in Interview with Ahmad Kashani, a credible English teacher .

Alternatively you can download the podcast from here.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Talk Show Podcast Episode One

Looking back upon the discourses and debates that occurred within the past few months in our Talk Show classes reveals a substantial concept about them: Talk Shows are intended to challenge the minds of the participants. Rendering an environment for the purpose of critical and decisive conversation is as crucial as the presence of individuals who are willing to immerse themselves inside the realm of engaging dialogs.
Fortunately owing to the fact that Talk Show is a derivative of ESL conversation courses, learners attend these classes for the aim of amending their dialects and idiolect and their capabilities concerning English as a second language, and hence it is safe to say that all the attendees of the show are indeed interested in the matter.

However, we can not overlook the rawness of diverse levels that could be ascribed to the participants who are primarily English learners and not professional speakers. In this way ,the challenge of being in these classes are two-folded simply because the participants have to overcome the difficulties related to comprehension and production of thoughts in the second language as well as strive for making their statement as sensible and judgmental as possible.
It's no surprise then, that I convey the class towards a more mature, round-table discussion akin to humanity courses taught in universities across the world and the multitude of TV and radio talk shows of all natures such as Doug Stephan's Talk Radio Countdown Show and NBC's Meet the Press.

The participants may find themselves remotely confused and hasty at first; after all not every person had preliminary experience in this type of debating in their own language, let alone English, but as time goes by the ease of attending these classes would become plain for both the host and the participants, which is incisively what happened during my classes.

Bellow you can hear the first episode of TALK SHOW PODCAST (20 minutes ) which provides a brief summary of the major themes negotiated in Talk Show classes so far:

Alternatively you can download the podcast here